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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

First time seeing Boo Radley

School started once again, Scout and I, as always, pass by the Radley Place every day. We're not as scared at Boo Radley as we used to be. One day in school, Scout asks me how Miss Gates can preach about equality when she came out of the courthouse after the trial and told Miss Stephanie Crawford that it was about time that someone taught the blacks in town a lesson. I became furious and told Scout never to mention the trial again due to the out-come of the tragedy of Tom Robinson.

It's October 31st, Happy Halloween! The town threw a party and play at the school. It was dark on the way to the school, and Cecil Jacobs jumped out and frightened me. Scout had fallen asleep and missed her entrance for the school play. That was funny.
On the walk back home, I heard noises behind me. I thought it was Cecil Jacobs trying to frighten us again. It called out to him, but heard no reply. Suddenly, the follower started running after us. I screamed on the top of my lungs for Scout to run, but her costume made her lose balance and fall. I tried dragging Scout, but got pulled back. I screamed again, and fell unconscious.

When I woke up, Dr. Reynolds informed that I had broken my arm and a bump on my head. Heck Tate appeared and told my dad that Bob Ewell was lying under a tree, dead, with a knife stuck under his ribs.

While Heck Tate was explaining the situation, Scout realized that it was Boo Radley who brought me home safely.

Heck Tate and Atticus continued to argue the case. It was concluded that I did not kill Bob Ewell, but that it was Boo Radley who protected me by killing Bob. Heck insists that Boo doesn’t need the attention of the neighborhood brought to his door. Tom Robinson died for no reason, he said, and now the man responsible is dead: “Let the dead bury the dead.”

Scout took Boo upstairs to say goodnight to me and then walked him home.

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